Thursday, July 10, 2014

A quick pork roast cooked on a smokey grill

The other day I was going to the store for something to cook. I really had no idea what I wanted, but I had the grill in mind. Well, I saw this boneless pork roast with a decent layer of fat on it, and I was sold. It was long and fairly thin in shape, so it will cook up fairly quick.

To do this on the grill, I make two piles of charcoal and place them on the outer edges of the grill. I then place a two inch diameter hardwood stick on the edge of each pile as a border. The stick will add an extra amount of smokey flavor to the roast. Two piles of charcoal will allow the roast to cook evenly in about an hour or so. Here’s how I did it.

1-1/2 lb. boneless pork roast 
Olive oil
Onion powder
Cajun seasoning

Garlic salt 
Wondra flour
1/2 cup white wine 

Chicken stock
Salt and pepper


Prepare your grill as I described above and light it with some sticks and a torch. While the coals are getting hot, rub the roast with olive oil and place it in a large cast iron pan. Season the roast with generous sprinkles of onion powder, cajun seasoning and garlic salt.

Place the cast iron pan with the roast on the grill, centered between the two piles of hot coals. Cover the grill and let that cook in the smoky heat for about an hour, but turn the roast every fifteen minutes or so.

Use an instant read thermometer to determine when to remove it. I shoot for around 145º in the center of the roast. Remove the roast to a platter, and set it in a warm place, while you make gravy.

Place the cast iron pan on the stove over medium high heat. Cook off some of the juices so you have mostly fat left in the pan. Sprinkle on enough Wondra flour (I like that for gravy best) to absorb most of the fat. You want it to be a little wet. Add the white wine and then add chicken stock, a little at a time. 

Let the gravy come to a simmer between each addition of the stock. Stir and scrape until the gravy has the right consistency. Pour the gravy into a gravy bowl. Slice the roast and pour any additional juices into the gravy.


Serve several slices of the roast pork on a plate. Add a big pile of wild rice next to that. Cover both with the smokey gravy. Now add some sautéed broccoli next to that. Slice the fresh baked bread and open the bottle of Zinfandel. Ring the bell, dinner is ready.

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