Thursday, October 30, 2014

Pizza with several cheeses and prosciutto

I swear I eat pizza at least once a week. Most of my recipes are variations of my house pizza. Recently, I made this pizza to go with a garlicky Tortellini Soup. Here is last night’s version of pizza. 

2 cups of flour
1/2 tsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tbs. instant yeast
Olive oil
1 cup of water
1 15 oz. can of tomato sauce
1 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. basil
Adobo seasoning
1 clove of garlic, finely minced
4 oz. thinly sliced prosciutto
4 oz. shredded parmesan cheese

8 oz. package of mixed Italian blend shredded cheese
8 oz. shredded mozzarella cheese
Fresh ground white pepper
Corn meal


For the dough, add the flour to your mixing bowl. Add the sugar, salt, yeast, about a tablespoon of olive oil and the water, to the flour and bring the dough together. If necessary, adjust by adding a spec more flour or water to make it right. Knead it for a minute and then let it rise while you make the sauce. 

For the sauce, place the tomato sauce in a bowl and add about a tablespoon of olive oil. Now add the oregano, basil, garlic and a good sprinkle of adobo seasoning. Give it a couple shakes of Tabasco. Stir the sauce together and let it rest while you sit and enjoy a glass of wine. As you pour the wine, preheat the oven to 450º. 

When the oven dings that it is at the right temperature, start working the dough into a 17” circle, flouring it as you work it. Once you have it right, slide it into a pizza pan that has been sprinkled with corn meal. Fold the edges to form a crust. 

Spoon on enough tomato sauce to cover the pizza dough (use any leftover sauce for your second pizza. You wouldn’t make just one pizza, would you?). Sprinkle on the shredded parmesan cheese. Take your sliced prosciutto and cover the pizza with the it, use it all. Add the mixed Italian cheese, use it all. Add the mozzarella cheese, use it all. Grind some white pepper over the top of the pizza. Bake the pizza in the 450º oven until the cheese is nicely brown and bubbling. Sprinkle the pizza with some of your best olive oil and then let the pizza sit for a couple of minutes before slicing. 


Serve the pizza with several bowls of garlic tortellini soup. Enjoy this with lots of red wine from Greece. Eat until a button pops off your shirt. 

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